T-Series Heating Option
For extreme cold environments
When delivering temperature sensitive cargo under extreme low ambient conditions, operators demand a reliable, durable refrigeration unit which will give maximum up-time while fully protecting their valuable cargo. In other words, complete peace of mind.
Customers in extreme low ambient conditions need refrigeration units with sufficient heating capacity to maintain loads in their optimum condition. To meet these special requirements, Thermo King has developed a means of capturing heat from the unit’s engine coolant and using it to boost heating performance. A secondary coil is built into the evaporator through which the coolant is routed to give heating capacities which are up to double the conventional values.
With the T-Series Heating Option:
- T-600R and T-800R heating capacity on engine power is more than doubled to 6220W using water heat kit
- T-1000R is increased by 46% to 6000W with heat upgrade
- No additional refrigerant charge is needed for any of the above so there is no environmental impact
- Electric heater bars option gives an additional 1900W for all units on electric stand-by